Hb +1.5.

Just received my 900 ml of new blood today. This should bounce my Hb count to healthy levels, +.5 count per pack as I just learned.

Very funny feeling this, when your brain, operating on backup power for the better half (actually, most) of the past week, suddenly starts up and starts processing stuff other than what to eat, get off the couch and go shower, and let’s watch Tropic Thunder and Graham Norton Show.

And now suddenly I want to

  • go cycling (did it the past days, but at the end I was dragging myself a bit)
  • go take photos
  • do work
  • go sit in a cafe

and stuff.

So to put it in another way, at first I was all like




But then I


‘d, and now I’m like




So there. And now: walk!

(That red pic by the way is from Terminator, in case you were wondering. The famous “aux batt” scene, anyone?)